is an art

We probably have more ways to communicate now, than we ever had before,  yet,  people still yearn to express themselves in original ways.   A wedding ceremony is a way of connecting and communicating ones love for another.  It should be that e couple expressing their feelings toward one another that stands out forever.  

 Good communication gives one a much better chance to covey their ideas, it is an art and an art worth learning.

It can even be used wisely in debate and speech.

However, sometimes, one can even communicate without words, like just presenting a beautiful diamond ring, or with a kiss.

Clear communication works best, even without words.  

The ceremony ends with two becoming one in marriage with a contract to love and cherish each other, no words needed after the kiss except to confirm they are now MR. & Mrs.                        

                                                                                                                                        By  Rev. Lorraine Blum

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Wedding Ceremonies Your Way

* I do not own this music, it is copyrighted *